Teen camps registration
Ηλικίες 15-18
Terms and Conditions WILDCARDS camps
1. Medical Care:
A necessary condition for the participation of a child in the program is his examination by a pediatrician, the completion of the relevant medical history in the registration application and the presentation of a health certificate.
Medicines should not be stored in children’s tents. All prescribed medicines are delivered to the person in charge of the program who must be informed with a medical note of the attending physician of the child about his condition and the medical treatment applied to him. Parents are asked to discuss any medical concerns they may have before starting the program. By signing the registration form, the guardian authorizes the staff of Surf Club Keros in case of illness or injury of the child to visit the hospital and allow action related to the health of the child, while agreeing to pay for any external medical, surgical, dental services provided , including any specific pharmaceutical costs. The parent understands and affirms that their child’s participation in the program and activities is completely optional and has taken into account the program and activities in which the child will participate. Recognizes that certain risks are inherent in the program and activities. He also states that he has instructed his child to remain under constant supervision, to respect the rules of Surf Club Keros and to observe them both for his own safety and for the safety of others.
2. Rules of operation of the facilities:
Decent behavior and respect for the rules of operation and the other residents is required from the participants in the program. In particular, participants must follow the rules of safe operation and practice of water sports that are posted in prominent places at the school & beach facilities and are communicated by trained teachers and trainers working at Surf Club Keros.
3. Consumption of alcoholic beverages & other substances:
Participants are EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED from consuming alcoholic beverages & other prohibited substances. Escorts reserve the right to remove participants from the program who do not comply with the above explicit prohibition.
4. Getting around:
Participants are EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED from leaving the Surf Club Keros facilities.
5. Hygiene rules
Participants must take care of their personal hygiene and respect the hygiene of other participants and residents at the facilities of Surf Club Keros.
6. Audio-visual material:
In case you do not wish to use / post photos or videos of your child on our website or you do not wish your child to be photographed, please state this in the Registration Form (in the comments box) in order to make better photo scheduling.
7. Participants may have a mobile phone.
For any issue that concerns you, you can contact Loukia Papadopoulou, contact phone 6981123137
Registration form WILDCARDS Camps
14-18 years old
Fill in AND sign the form below to finalize your WILDCARDS camps registration